1. Samuel Collins

+ married Amey

They lived on the Neuse and Trent Rivers of South Carolina. Later Samuel is found in Lincoln County, NC. They are related to the Saponi Indians.

…2 .Adrah Narcissa Collins

+ married Seth Howard.

……3. Charlotte Howard

+ married Willis Hays.

4. Hosea Hays

+ married (1) Mary Houston

+married (2) Elizabeth Ladusky McCullough, daughter of William McCullough and Asenath. Elizabeth was born in SC and died in Dyer County, TN after 1900.

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One Response to SAMUEL COLLINS

  1. Hello,
    My name is Jeanette White Eyes. Samuel Collins, and his wife Amey are my great grandparents way back, and their daughter Adrah Narcissa Collins. I read on some old documents that Samuel, and his brothers had come to Johnston Craven County early, and that they came from VA. They were said to be one of the documented Saponi families. I would like to find out more about them. I was told about them long ago, by an elder, and he said that this family had more documents about them, the Haliwa Saponi do. The Howards married into my Sisk family, with Seth Howard’s daughter Elizabeth marrying Ezekiel Sisk. The Sisk family was part Cherokee, on several sides. My permeant email is
    Thank you!
    Jeanette White Eyes
    Please note: These are not the line of Collins from Vardy Collins, people talk about………..I have had people argue with me that they are, but they are different. Samuel and his brothers were on early census records, and they were listed as Saponi, but I have seen were Colonial records erased Tribes, as they so fit to do so! I was wondering if they might have been Tuscarora, because there was Collins that lived in Indian Woods NC? ……..Just a thought!

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